9x27 Print | SEASONAL - Jeff Holmberg - Available for purchase at ekate designs & the orchard art house and at etsy.com/shop/HolmbergDesignCo.
This piece is a minimal interpretation of a tree branch and the seasonality we find in us and around us. The concept came from sketching tree branches and observing how a branch sprouts with new direction, building off of an existing branch. This new growth reaches into new spaces, resourced by the branch before it. New expression, connected to and rising from seasons prior.
Change happens. Things won't always be like this. Acknowledging seasonality brings hope to my challenges and at the same time, it reminds me to not miss out on the gifts around me each day in people, experiences, and observations.
Seasonal. Branches emerging from branches into brand new spaces, different but connected, future and present, building off of all things so far, bringing a greater wholeness in reaching, growing... forward.
[ When framing, a 1" frame in white or black matte is recommended. The 9x27 custom frame size can be found at frame stores such as: Craigframes. ]